Sunday, August 2, 2009

Still digging up all the information I need

Been a bit discouraged the last day or so, seems I will actually have to cut out part of the firewall to make it all fit. I was hoping to keep all of the structural elements of my jeep intact. Been digging around on mother earth news and some of the other green sites, came up with a good bit of documentation that should help. As soon as I sort through it I will post my plan here.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Converting My Car To Electric

Just wanted to post a fast follow up, nothing much happening today waiting on more parts to arrive.. I got my rectifier in the mail today, so I am only ,wanting a few parts now. Everything is set up, now we play the waiting game!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Converting My Car To Electric

Just reserving this space. I am working on an idea: I want to chronicle the issues I am having with a project.

My name is Caleb Bowers. Born and raised in Galveston, TX. I have come late to the internet party, but my friends are helping me along. ;-) I am currently working on converting my old car into an EV (Electric Vehicle) and I will use this space to chronicle that process.